Table of Contents

Advanced Power Settings

Opening / Changing Advanced Power Options using .BAT files

This could be useful if you want to quickly change settings in your power plan based on what your laptop is doing.

Shortcut to open advanced settings

Create a new text document, copy/paste the line from below and save it as AdvPowerSettings.bat

  control.exe powercfg.cpl,,3

You can also create a shortcut from this command

How to change settings

Create a new text document, copy/paste one of the lines from below Save it as powerplanX.bat

Boost Disabled

  powercfg.exe /SETACVALUEINDEX SCHEME_CURRENT 54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b740d00 be337238-0d82-4146-a960-4f3749d470c7 000
  powercfg.exe -S SCHEME_CURRENT

Efficient Aggressive

  powercfg.exe /SETACVALUEINDEX SCHEME_CURRENT 54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b740d00 be337238-0d82-4146-a960-4f3749d470c7 004
  powercfg.exe -S SCHEME_CURRENT

Boost Mode Index Numbers

The last 3 digits of the above commands can be changed to the following for the various boost modes


@ecto UK/ES#2667 2022