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Fixing Slow WiFi After Sleep

Do you experience locked and slow wifi speed after resuming from sleep, around 25-35Mb/sec with Intel AX cards?
There are plenty people with the same issue (r/surface thread) but none of the “fixes” helped me fix my problem.

The only workaround that worked is creating a PowerShell script that is triggered by the sleep power event and disconnects then connects to my SSID.
Even resetting the WIFI adapter had not helped. If anyone has the same issue feel free to create a scheduled task and run the PowerShell script with the following commands.

  # Create scheduled task trigger: On event Log: System - Power-Troubleshooter - Event ID 1
  # Wait 5 sec so the card reconnects after sleep.
  start-sleep 5
  $ConnectedWifi = netsh wlan show interfaces | Select-String '\sSSID'
  $ConnectedWifi_Name = ($ConnectedWifi[0] -replace "SSID                   : ","").Trim()
  netsh wlan disconnect
  netsh wlan connect name=$ConnectedWifi_Name

Scheduled Task action:

  Start a program
  Program/script: powershell
  Add arguments: -windowstyle hidden -File "Your_ps_file_location"
  • laptopwiki/guides/lenovo/legion_wifisleepfix.txt
  • Last modified: 08/03/2025 18:58
  • by