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SSH on Steam Deck

  1. Go to Desktop Mode
    1. Hold the power button for 3 seconds
    2. Select Desktop Mode
    3. Press A or select it with the touchscreen
  2. Wait for the desktop to load
  3. Open Konsole (KDE Linux Terminal)
  4. Set a password for “deck” user (if set skip this step), you only need to do this once
    1. type
      sudo passwd
    2. Typed characters are not visible, not even stars
    3. You will se prompt New Password:
    4. Now enter your password and press Enter on the onscreen keyboard
    5. Enter your password again and press enter
  5. Enable SSH with command
    sudo systemctl start sshd
  6. To enable it on startup run
    sudo systemctl enable sshd
  7. We also recommend you set your SSH to only accept SSH keys instead of passwords
    See guide here: SSH keys
  1. Go to Desktop Mode
  2. Open Konsole
  3. Run
     sudo systemctl stop sshd 
  4. Run
     sudo systemctl disable sshd 

dustojnikhummer 2023/01/19

  • laptopwiki/guides/steamdeck/steamos/enablessh.txt
  • Last modified: 08/03/2025 18:58
  • by