
This is an old revision of the document!

Welcome to LaptopWiki

Welcome to LaptopWiki!
Home for your basic and advanced laptop and other guides.
Please use the sidebar on left to browse all of our guides.
If you are on a mobile device press the Navigation button.
If you are lost, there is a Sitemap, under the Wrench in the top right corner.
You can also pick from four themes, two light mode and two dark mode, also in the top right corner.

We are back alive

Sooo.. you might have noticed that earlier this week (26th of December 2022), went down. What happened? I happened.
Let's add a bit of backstory here. LaptopWiki was built on top of WordPress, and a lot of plugins. And I mean A LOT OF PLUGINS. And it showed.
While the webhost wasn't taxed very much, the website itself was dog slow. So, for a few months we (the staff) have been talking about an alternative.
Well, after I tried to migrate webhost of our WordPress site, I had to use that alternative. Why? Because everything broke with WordPress.
It was so incredibly spaghetti and inflexible that when I tried to do anything under the hood, it completely fell apart. And that is when the “sorry” message went up.
So what now? Well, welcome here! To a reworked (articles with fixed grammar, reworded better, updated information) LaptopWiki, this time built on top of great platform called DokuWiki.
Let's just hope it stays this quick.
And if you really need, Internet Archive has a pretty complete snapshot of the WordPress one. Keep in mind it's SLOOOOOW.
dustojnikhummer 2022/12/30 22:07

  • index.1686644361.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 13/06/2023 10:19
  • by m164