LaptopWiki Cookies
We only use standard DokuWiki tools. We do not add additional tracking to visitors, no analytics.
We use following cookies:
Used for authentication after login. This holds the necessary data to (re)login a previously authenticated user.
* Importance: necessary for anyone who needs to log in
* Typical content: encrypted username and password
* Expires: in a year 1)
Used for remembering helpful user preferences, like the size of the editor textarea.
* Importance: functional
* Typical content: name/value pairs in plain text
* Expires: in a year
The standard PHP session identifier. Used to hold temporary data and to avoid CSRF attacks.
* Importance: necessary
* Typical content: random ID
* Expires: at the end of the browser session
- We use the plugin
- While yes, it does collect some basic data about sessions, since we are proxied through Cloudflare, we do NOT know your IP addresses.
I know, it smells “trust me bro”, but it is reality. - The purpose of this statistics plugin is so we know what pages are the most visited and what keywords are searched the most.
- As we do not allow logins for non staff, any tracking regarding logged users is not relevant.