Display Driver Uninstaller

Always use DDU in Safe Mode and always download the latest version from TechPowerup

  1. Download latest drivers for your GPU
  2. Place them both in the same folder
  3. Extract DDU
  4. Disable your internet connection to make sure Windows doesn't auto install another driver while you are installing manually.
  5. Hold Shift and click on Restart (In Windows 10 this will open Advanced Reboot Settings, in Windows 11 this will reboot first and then open Advanced Reboot Settings)
  6. Troubleshoot → Advanced → Startup settings → Restart (Enter)
  7. Select option 4) Safe mode – Press 4 (if you need SMB in Safe Mode use Safe Mode with Networking)
  8. Open DDU, Close options window, select top right GPU and AMD/NVIDIA
  9. Optional: Use DDU's option to disable automatic driver installations
  10. Clean and restart on the left side
  11. Install AMD/NVIDIA drivers
  12. Reboot, enable internet connection
  • laptopwiki/guides/os/windows/general/ddu.txt
  • Last modified: 29/06/2024 15:17
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